Jersey Safe Roads

We have received a message with a question on the legal position on child seats in Jersey.

This is a complicated area of the law, and there are twists and turns with it, but in essence, it is a legal requirement in Jersey that all children under the age of 12, being carried in a vehicle, must be in an ‘appropriate child restraint’ for their weight and age. The seats must comply with the minimum BS or EU testing standards as laid down by law and have the stamp/sticker to prove it. So for instance, it would be totally inappropriate and illegal to use a base from a buggy that unclips from its base and do your best to secure it with a seatbelt where the buggy base is not designed or approved for such a purpose.

If you would like to see a copy of the law table covering the legal position regarding child car seats, or need any further clarification, click on this link >>

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