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strategic Plan

Reduce collisions and casualties on Jersey’s roads by addressing root causes in line with our strategic plan. Develop policies that support our road safety strategy and political objectives, promoting a harm-free network through the Safe Systems Approach, aiming for “Vision Zero.” Identify and prioritise key areas to minimise collisions and raise public awareness through island-wide road safety campaigns.

Safe System

Adopting the Safe System Approach in road safety focuses on preventing accidents and minimising injuries through proactive, data-driven strategies. By emphasising effective management and continuous learning, we aim to protect vulnerable road users like motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians.

Facts & Stats

Collisions are categorised as Slight, Serious, or Fatal based on the most severe injury. For example, a collision with one Serious injury and three Slight injuries is classified as a Serious Collision. The UK Department for Transport’s monetary assessment of collision prevention highlights community benefits, though Jersey-specific data is not available.

Safety Essentials

Jersey’s road safety strategy emphasises key essentials including adhering to speed limits, improving road design, and enhancing pedestrian safety. Regular vehicle maintenance and robust law enforcement are critical, alongside promoting road safety education and awareness. Efficient emergency response systems also play a crucial role in managing accidents and minimising their impact.

Tests/ License

tests and licences are essential for ensuring that drivers are competent and knowledgeable about road rules and safety practises. Driving tests assess a person’s ability to operate a vehicle safely, including their understanding of traffic laws, maneuvring skills, and reaction to various driving conditions. These assessments help to ensure that drivers can navigate roads safely and responsibly.


Explore Jersey Road News, detailed Road Safety Articles, a curated list of Essential Websites, and our comprehensive Cycling E-book to stay informed and safe on the roads.